Supreme Court’s Upholding of California Prop. 12 is Victory Against the Worst Factory Farm Abuses

Published May 11, 2023


Food System

Today the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a California law that bans the in-state sale of pork, eggs, and veal from animals “confined in a cruel manner.” The law, known as Proposition 12, was challenged by the corporate pork production industry, which unsuccessfully argued that it unconstitutionally burdens interstate commerce by affecting out-of-state pork producers.

In response, Food & Water Watch Legal Director Tarah Heinzen issued the following statement:

“Today’s high court ruling is a rightful victory for sustainable, humane farming against giant corporations that prioritize cost-cutting and profit margins over the environment, food safety and animal welfare. It is also a critical victory for the rights of states that seek to do better on those issues than some of their neighbors, or the country at large.”

Press Contact: Seth Gladstone [email protected]