Willow Approval Another Massive Climate Disappointment from Biden

White House green lights disastrous oil drilling project

Published Mar 13, 2023


Climate and Energy

White House green lights disastrous oil drilling project

White House green lights disastrous oil drilling project

Today the Biden administration is set to approve the massive Willow oil drilling project on the North Slope of Alaska, despite a massive push by climate activists and environmentalists urging the White House to reject the proposal. 

In response, Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter issued the following statement:

“There is simply no justification for President Biden’s decision to approve a massive new oil drilling scheme that will lead to decades of air and climate pollution. This decision is part of a disturbing and disappointing trend with this White House. President Biden refuses to take the necessary actions to rein in climate catastrophe, while issuing rhetoric that professes concern for the existential threat that we all face. He cannot have it both ways. Promoting clean energy development is meaningless if we continue to allow corporations to plunder and pollute as they wish.”


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