FERC Nominee Fails the Climate Test

White House nominee Phillips has deep ties to fossil fuel and utility industries

Published Sep 9, 2021


Climate and Energy

White House nominee Phillips has deep ties to fossil fuel and utility industries

White House nominee Phillips has deep ties to fossil fuel and utility industries

The White House has announced it intends to nominate Willie L. Phillips to fill the vacancy at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Phillips is currently the chairman of the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia.

The appointment comes at a critical time; as the agency tasked with approving a range of new fossil fuel infrastructure projects, FERC could very well determine the fate of the administration’s climate agenda.

In response to the news, Food & Water Watch Policy Director Mitch Jones released the following statement:

“This is a disappointing selection. Willie Phillips has spent his career working on the side of the oil and gas industry and electric utility giants. We need a climate champion at FERC, someone who has a demonstrated record of challenging the fossil fuel industry and putting the public interest before corporate utility profits. Unfortunately, nothing in Phillips’ career thus far has shown that he will be that champion; in fact, quite the opposite.”

Press Contact: Peter Hart [email protected]