What Do PFAS Have to do With Fracking?

Published Nov 6, 2023


What Do PFAS Have to do With Fracking? [A color photo depicts murky and questionable looking water draining from fracking apparatus.]

Recent analyses by Physicians for Social Responsibility found evidence suggesting that PFAS and precursors (related chemicals that can break down into PFAS) have been used in fracking fluids in thousands of wells across several states. For instance, oil and gas companies injected at least 43,000 pounds of PTFE/Teflon across 73 Texas counties. However, the prevalence is likely understated, given disclosure loopholes that allow companies to withhold chemical identities as trade secrets.1Horwitt, Dusty. Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Fracking with ‘Forever Chemicals.’” July 2021 at 3 to 6; Horwitt, Dusty and Barbara Gottlieb. Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Fracking with ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Ohio.” September 2022 at i; Horwitt, Dusty and Barbara Gottlieb. Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Fracking with ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Texas.” February 2023 at i to ii.

The use of PFAS in fracking creates additional avenues for potential human exposure through air and water contamination. Wastewater disposal poses another potential exposure route; various disposal practices include underground injection, land application, and road spreading to suppress dust or de-ice.2Ibid. This is on top of the well-documented environmental and health impacts that fenceline communities already face from living near fracking facilities.3Gorski, Irena and Brian S. Schwartz. “Environmental health concerns from unconventional natural gas development.” Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Global Public Health. February 25, 2019 at summary and methods, scope, and organization.
