Cortlandt, NY: Rally to Tell Governor Hochul: Stop Holtec from Dumping in Our River!

Published Mar 27, 2023

**Join us April 27, in Cortlandt, NY, to send a message to Governor Hochul: Stop Holtec from dumping radioactive waste into the Hudson River!**

Holtec International, the company in charge of decommissioning the Indian Point nuclear plant, wants to dump the radioactive waste from the plant’s spent fuel into the Hudson River, instead of holding and safely breaking down the toxic waste on site as soon as this summer!

The wastewater from Indian Point’s spent fuel contains tritium, among other contaminants. Tritium is highly radioactive and linked to higher rates of cancer, and it threatens our Hudson River ecosystem.

On April 27, the Decommissioning Oversight Board will be convening to discuss next steps on the closure of Indian Point, including what to do with Holtec’s onsite radioactive waste. We cannot afford radioactive pollutants in our Hudson River, which supplies drinking water to local municipalities and hosts a vibrant marine ecosystem.

_After the rally calling on Hochul to step up and take action to prevent Holtec from dumping toxic waste into our water, there will also be an opportunity to give comments to the board and support others inside the meeting._