NJ: Our Planet, Our Future – Woodbridge Rally

Published May 11, 2023

### Our Planet, Our Future: New Jersey Call to Climate Action

Residents from all over New Jersey are coming together to rally against Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) and their plans for a dirty gas plant in Woodbridge. This plant would pollute our air and water and make climate change even worse.

Instead of using his authority to reject this polluting project, Governor Murphy and his DEP are allowing it proceed without any environmental justice impact statement. **Help us to stand strong against CPV and their dirty gas plant, as we march through Woodbridge and demand that Governor Murphy do the right thing for our air, water, and climate!**

This one-mile march will begin and end at Town Hall, where we will be holding a rally.

*This action is part of Our Planet, Our Future, a week of actions calling on Governor Murphy to stop the seven proposed dirty energy projects threatening New Jersey. [Join us for other actions throughout the week!](https://www.mobilize.us/fww/?tag_ids=22199&utm_source=moam_aa_05082023_NJ-Our-Planet-Our-Future)*