In Case You Missed Them: Biden’s Last Climate Actions
Published Jan 16, 2025

Amid the holiday hustle and bustle, Biden made some final moves on environmental and energy policy — some good, some not so good. Here’s what you need to know.
As we gear up for the start of Donald Trump’s second term, President Biden is making his final moves in office. Over the winter holidays, he moved forward several policies that will shape our future for better and for worse.
We know that fossil fuels are more expensive and more hazardous to our health than renewables. Dirty industries know this too, yet they continue to push policies to expand dirty energy and increase their profits. Unfortunately, they have amassed support in government. And now, we face an administration that is committed to furthering this dirty energy agenda. But we can’t let them get away with it.
The future we need is run on renewables, without the toxic pollution of these industries or the sky-high costs they incur. To that end, Biden’s final energy policies are a mixed bag. They include much-needed but incomplete restrictions on offshore drilling and more support for dirty industries’ climate scams.
1. Biden Prevents Drilling on Millions of Acres of Federal Waters
First, the good news. On January 6, Biden announced he would block 625 million acres of federal waters from future oil and gas drilling. That’s equal to a quarter of the U.S.’s land mass.
This is incredible news. Offshore drilling threatens our oceans, our communities, and our climate. By saying no to drilling, we’re saying yes to healthy ecosystems, thriving coastal communities, and a livable planet.
This announcement is a huge testament to our movement. For years, groups including Food & Water Watch have called on the president to use his executive authority to end drilling on federal lands and waters.
Of course, Trump quickly vowed to roll this back. But that will be much easier said than done, as he will need an act of Congress to repeal the action.
Nevertheless, we must go further. Biden’s order didn’t stop oil and gas development in much of the Gulf of Mexico, which is most heavily drilled. And we need to end drilling everywhere, not just on federal lands and waters. While we celebrate this victory, we’re still pushing for a 100% fossil-fuel-free future.
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2. Biden Pushes Forward on Carbon Capture Scams
Fossil fuel corporations and other dirty energy companies are pushing harder than ever for carbon capture and storage (CCS). This scam technology purports to fight climate change by injecting and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) in underground wells. But in reality, it’s just providing cover for corporations to reap tens of billions in public subsidies while continuing to drill and burn dirty fossil fuels.
The list of problems with carbon capture is long — including its massive costs. In fact, billions of our taxpayer dollars have already subsidized failed carbon capture projects. Nevertheless, elected officials across the country, including Biden, are continuing to support it.
In early January, Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved permits for an oil and gas company to inject CO2 underground. The company plans to build in Kern County, California, an area already overburdened by the industry’s pollution.
The truth is that companies cannot guarantee that carbon will stay buried in the ground. Captured CO2 can even contaminate vital underground drinking water sources. Moreover, transporting all that carbon from industrial plants to underground wells is incredibly dangerous and under-regulated.
Recently, we saw major leaks at the country’s first commercial carbon capture project. The operator, Archer-Daniels-Midland, kept the initial leak secret for months. In October 2024, the EPA concluded that dozens of other carbon capture projects planned across the country face risks of similar leaks. Yet, Biden’s final actions continue to push full steam ahead with CCS.
Biden Offloads Federal Responsibility to Regulate Carbon Storage
Given all this, it’s even more outrageous that the Biden administration is trying to offload regulatory responsibility onto states. In late December, the EPA held a public hearing on its proposal to grant West Virginia “primacy” over CO2 injection wells. This would allow the state to take over permitting and regulation of these wells.
Already, West Virginia is struggling to address over 6,000 dangerous wells abandoned by the oil and gas industry. Giving it primacy over CO2 wells is a recipe for disaster, and communities will pay the price. Yet, the EPA is considering and approving a growing number of state primacy requests.
If our leaders continue on this road, we will face greater risks of deadly incidents near carbon pipelines and more pollution from fossil fuel operations. And, they’ll make us pay for it all through taxpayer subsidies.
3. Biden’s Hydrogen Rules Pave the Way for Corporate Giveaways
In recent years, hydrogen power has garnered a lot of buzz as a potential climate solution. However, even the “cleanest” hydrogen requires incredible amounts of money, energy, and water to make.
Its role in our green future should be very limited, and it should only be made using new renewable energy. But of course, polluting corporations are cynically using the hype to push hydrogen made from dirty energy.
This month, the Biden administration has capitulated to many of their wishes with its final rules on 45V tax credits. The rules solidify benefits for dirty hydrogen produced by natural gas, factory farm biogas, and even methane from coal mines.
They include loopholes allowing dirty hydrogen to qualify, if companies buy bogus carbon credits to “offset” their pollution. And they include tax credits for dirty hydrogen coupled with carbon capture — which we know won’t have the climate benefit claimed.
These tax subsidies will incentivize more pollution, not less. They’ll entrench industries like coal, factory farming, and fracking that already endanger our communities.
Moreover, at a time of increasing climate-fueled water scarcity, we absolutely cannot give up vital water to unnecessary dirty hydrogen. Yet, this is what many companies are proposing, including in places already water-stressed. For instance, one proposed hydrogen project in New Mexico could use 21 to 46 million gallons of freshwater each year. This is incomprehensible in a state where irrigation canals are starting to run dry for the first time in centuries.
Going into 2025 Fighting to End Fossil Fuels and Climate Scams
The science is crystal clear: we must phase out fossil fuels. No more drilling. No more pipelines. No more permits. Ending fossil fuels isn’t a choice; it’s a moral obligation to our children, to frontline communities, and to so much we hold dear. We need bold action, and we need it now.
Yet, Donald Trump and his fossil fuel allies want to take us backward. Oil executives helped fund his campaign in exchange for policies that will help them profit.
Now, we face a Trump administration and a Congress determined to pass fossil fuel-friendly policy that puts our planet at risk. For instance, this year, we can expect lawmakers to push a massive spending bill to expand drilling on public lands, axe climate investments, and pass huge tax breaks for billionaires and corporations. Dirty energy interests are also lining up to expand subsidies for fossil fuels and their carbon capture scam.
We cannot and will not let this happen. We will be fighting every day against corporate giveaways and new fossil fuel infrastructure; for clean energy, healthy communities, and prosperity for all. And we won’t stop until we bring about a livable, safe, and bright future for everyone.
Call your members of Congress and tell them to end subsidies for carbon capture and fossil fuels! Dial 866-582-4813 to get connected to their offices.
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